30 May 2006

The OC4J admin_client distribution

With the OC4J 10.1.3 release, we now provide a separate client side administration distribution:


The distribution is approximately 5.5MB in side and contains the admin_client.jar utility and all the necessary libraries to perform command line administration of a remote OC4J instance.

Using this distribution, the admin_client.jar utility can connect to a remote OC4J 10.1.3 or Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 instance and execute any of its management commands.

As a simple example of using this distribution, I can use it to view the list of shared-libraries installed in the OC4J Home instance in an Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 server running at HQ in Redwood shores from my desktop PC here in Australia.
>mkdir oc4j_admin_client
>cd oc4J_admin_client
>jar xf d:\downloads\oc4j_admin_client_101300.zip
>cd j2ee
>cd home
>java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:opmn://stadp57.us.oracle.com/home
oc4jadmin welcome1 -listSharedLibraries

Found 23 shared libraries:

Modifiable libraries:
global.libraries version 1.0
global.tag.libraries version 1.0
oracle.persistence version 1.0
oracle.expression-evaluator version 10.1.3
adf.oracle.domain version 10.1.3
adf.generic.domain version 10.1.3

Non-modifiable (system) libraries:
oracle.dms version 3.0
oracle.gdk version 10.1.0_2
oracle.jdbc version 10.1.0_2
oracle.xml version 10.1.0_2
oracle.cache version 10.1.3
oracle.sqlj version 10.1.3
oracle.http.client version 10.1.3
soap version 10.1.3
oracle.jwsdl version 10.1.3
oracle.ws.client version 10.1.3
oracle.xml.security version 10.1.3
oracle.ws.security version 10.1.3
oracle.toplink version 10.1.3
oracle.ws.reliability version 10.1.3
oracle.ws.testpage version 10.1.3
oracle.ws.core version 10.1.3
oracle.wsm version 10.1.3
Any of the commands available in admin_client.jar can be used -- deploy/undeploy/start/stop applications, bind Web modules to web-sites, install/publish/modify shared-libraries.

Using the variants of the Deployer URI available, admin_client.jar can be executed against any of the OC4J 10.1.3 models.

Oc4J Standalone

  • deployer:[oc4j-host]:[ormi-port]

  • deployer:oc4j:duraace.au.oracle.com:23791

Oracle Application Server OC4J single instance

  • deployer:oc4j:opmn://[opmn-host]:[opmn-port]/[oc4j-name]

  • deployer:oc4j:opmn://stadp57.us.oracle.com:6003/home

Oracle Application Server OC4J Group

  • deployer:oc4j:opmn://[opmn-host]:[opmn-port]/[group-name]

  • deployer:oc4j:opmn://stadp57.us.oracle.com:6003/colors

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those interested in the distribution that can be found here.
